Agency Name Special Olympics UCSC
Categories Children/Youth,Disabilities
Contact Name Nick Tanza
Agency Email
Agency Address
Agency Phone (408) 392-0170 ext 204
Web Address
Office Hours 10a.m-5p.m
Distance from Campus Usually on Campus or in Santa Cruz County
Nearest Bus Lines
Mission Statement The UCSC Special Olympics program is one of the only entirely student Special Olympic programs in the country and has been one of the leading UCSC volunteer organizations since it began in 2000. During the school year, student volunteer participate in a wide range of sports.
Volunteer Duties Volunteers are the backbone of our program. Because our program is year round, help is valuable at any time. We're always looking for Program Directors, Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Competition Volunteers. 

Visit for more information and links to the volunteer application and documents.
Notes Updated 5/8/13